Main Number
From the Main Numbers tab, set up the main company number, office hours, and holidays. From here, you can also start configuring how you want to route incoming calls during normal hours and after hours.
You must add the main number first before updating office hours, holidays, and call handling. If you don't have a main number assigned and your account is already set up, your main number is probably under a call flow. Delete that number from the callflow and assign it here. For more information about how to do this, see Call Flow App - Moving number from call flow to main company number.
Adding the main company numbers
- Go to Smart PBX > Main Number > Main Company Numbers to assign the main company numbers.
Click Add from Spare Numbers if required. You can add more than one main number.
Select the number and click Add Selected Numbers.
- Save changes.
The number is now assigned as the main company number.