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Cisco - Configure Line Keys

To configure the keys on a Cisco SPA phone:

  1. Log in to the web interface of the Cisco phone:


  2. If the browser asks you for username/password, then the username is 'admin' and the password is the first part of the REALM/Domain.

  3. Line keys are setup on the tab "Phone".
  4. Attendant console is setup on the tab "Attendant Console"
  5. The "Line" keys and "Attendant Console" of a Cisco SPA phone are configured using a function string. The structure of this string is as follows, values are shown in the table:

    fnc={functions};sub={subscription};ext={extension};nme={display name}

    functions        subscription extension display names
    • blf - busy lamp field    
    • sd - speed dial
    • cp - call park
    {extension_number}@$PROXY {extension_number}@$PROXY any name


We need to add speed dial and BLF for extension 100 named Reception.


The above example enables the BLF button to :

  • Show status lights for extension 100. (fnc Key: BLF)
  • GREEN = The extension is available and not on call
  • RED FLASHING = The extension is ringing
  • RED SOLID = The extension is on a call
  • If you press the button, dial this extension (fnc Key: SD)