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CSV Onboarding

The CSV Onboarding app allows you to enter a list of users and/or devices into the hosted PBX portal via .csv file. This makes it easier to add the most common data for multiple users at once.

Before you Start

Create a .csv export file from your existing phone list. The following fields are used; you can create the same fields or map your existing fields to these headers.

first_name, last_name, password, email, extension, notification_email (optional), mac_address, brand, family (optional), model


To upload user names only, the fields after extension are not required. Double-check the field name and spelling of your phone model. It must match the syntax and capitalization exactly for the import to be successful.

Add users via CSV

  1. Open the CSV Onboarding app.
  2. Choose if you want to Add Users only, or Add Users & Devices
  3. Drag the .csv file you created into the box and pick Proceed
  4. You will see your imported file. The top row above the drop down fields displays the fields in your .csv file.
  5. Using the drop-down fields, select the hosted PBX field you want the .csv field to map to.


  1. Email, extension and mac_address values must be unique, and not already in the database.
  2. The notification field is optional.
  3. You cannot adjust a device's brand, family, or model information without deleting and recreating a device, so try to upload accurate information.
  4. Spaces in the .csv file will block the import

Preview your imported fields and its data

Once you upload the file, the CSV app will map the fields it recognizes to the account fields and give you a preview. Scroll to see all fields; if there are any fields not recognised they will have a ?.

The information box tells you how many fields are recognized and the "required records mapped" indicates if you have additional records to map before a successful import.

The field names in the drop down are the proposed match to your import file; verify this is correct. If the field is empty and should map to a required field, you must assign it a value. If a field is empty and optional, just click the field header to map it.

When all required fields are mapped, the Proceed button will be active and required records indicator turns green. Check the box to add users to the company directory if required. Otherwise this can be done individually after the users are added.


If your import file has different fields, this is where you can map them to the required fields, e.g. a "Contact" field can be mapped to the required "email" field, or a "pwd" field can be mapped to Password.

JSON checkbox

This is available for advanced programmers who might want to add some custom settings for voicemail boxes, call parking and other feature codes using JSON. If you check the box at the bottom of the screen you will be prompted to add your code into one of 3 different fields: User Settings, Device Settings, or Voicemail Box Settings.


The error, "email is not unique for this account" likely means you already have a user imported that has the same email. If you want to add devices to the already existing user, you will need to go to SmartPBX and add them there.

If the import is complete without errors, your screen will look like this:

Sample templates

For starters, you can use this files as a template