In the Groups tab you can set up groups to be used as ringing groups or pickup groups. You can also add groups in the Smart PBX, see Adding a group.
You can add a maximum of 15 members to any group.
Adding a group
- Go to Callflows > Groups.
- From the left-hand navigation, click Add.
In Create Group, assign a friendly name to the group, for example "Sales".
Select Add User or Add Device to assign people to the group.
- Save your changes.
Adding a ring group to a callflow
- Add a callflow, see Setting up an advanced callflow.
- From the Basic actions, drag Ring Group across and place at the top of the first box.
- Enter a name for the ring group.
- Set the ring strategy to ring in order or all at the same time.
- Choose a ringback option to change the ringtone. Select from the dropdown menu or upload a media file, for example "All agents are currently busy, please wait".
- Select Users, Devices, or Groups1 and drag as required to your ring group.
You can drag additional Ring Groups or Voicemail as the next option in the callflow.
The number of times to ring group members can be set to a maximum of 10. The maximum timeout can be set to 60 seconds.
Save your changes.
Ring group strategy
There are three ring group strategies that can be chosen:
- single - rings one device after another
- simultaneous - rings all devices at the same time (default)
- weighted_random - randomize the list of endpoints, then use single strategy
To get the users one-by-one, the strategy must be "At the same time" ("simultaneous"), and delays should be used per user. A ring group is a list of devices, so even when adding users, it is the device that is added, not the user). When the strategy is set to "in order" ("single"), then the resulting list of devices will ring one-by-one instead of ringing the added users one-by-one.
Remove users from a ring group
To remove users from a ring group in a callflow:
- Go to Callflows > Callflows and select the callflow that you want to modify.
Click the "Ring Group" action in the callflow.
Select Users to see the list of users.
Click the delete icon beside the user that you want to remove.
If you can't see the delete icon beside each group, zoom out in your web browser
If you add a group that was configured in the Smart PBX to your ring group, the call distribution for that group will be defined in your ring group strategy here in Callflows. You are adding the list of users in the group, but it does not include any routing strategy that might be associated with the group in Smart PBX. ↩