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Account settings

In Account Settings, you can set the caller ID, activate a blocklist, and configure other callflow settings for your PBX account.

Setting the account caller-ID

  1. Go to Callflows > Account Settings.
  2. Click on Caller-ID tab.
  3. Enter the information that should display when calls are made on the network, off the network, and when emergency calls are made from the account.

  4. Click Update.


  1. Caller ID "name" does not display on Irish networks, only the number.
  2. If you don't have a defined caller ID in the account level, the default caller ID will display.
  3. If you have caller ID set up at the user or device level, this will override the account setting here.
  4. Caller ID setting assumes the number you want to display exists on your VoIP account. If it does not, then the default ID will display. Contact IP Telecom if you want to use a number that is not on your account as a caller ID.

Activating a blocklist

  1. Click on the Blocklist tab.
  2. From the "Available" tab, select the blacklist you want to to activate and drag it to the "Selected" tab. For more information about setting up a blacklist, see Setting up a blocklist.
  3. Click Update.


  4. When numbers on the blacklist attempt to call any number in the account, the call will drop for them.

Configuring hold music and preflow

  1. Go to Callflows > Account Settings.
  2. Click the Misc tab.
  3. Upload the music you want to use for callers on-hold. You can also manage hold music in the Smart PBX dashboard, see Smart PBX Overview.
  4. If you want something specific to occur before any callflow is activated on the account, you can apply this setting here. For example, you can activate call recording, or a missed call alert callflow.


Outbound flags are used for custom carriers. You can leave this section blank.

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