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Call Center Administrator

Administrators have a few more permissions than agents or managers; the administrator do the following:

Add call center members

Only administrators can add or remove members using this method.

  1. Go to Call Center.
  2. Click Manage Members


  1. On the Member Management pages, move available users into and out of the call center as required.


Add agents to a queue

Only call center members can be added as agents to a queue.

  1. Go to Call Center.
  2. Click the queue that you want to add agents to and select Add Agents


  1. From the list of available call center members drag the users across to the Agents Assigned to this Queue .


  1. To add managers, repeat Step 2 and 3 but select Add Managers.

Delete a queue

  1. Go to Call Center.
  2. Click the settings icon for the queue that you want to delete.


  3. Click Delete.

  4. Save your changes.
